2 HUAHUAnderful months of Chihuahua

3 min readFeb 14, 2022

Monthly recap from January 15 to February 14

Chihuahua chain

🗳 Three new on-chain proposals on the Chihuahua Governance:
Proposal 4 → “Validator decentralization prize pool” (PASSED)
Proposal 5 → “Update Max Validators to 125” (VOTING PERIOD)
Proposal 6 → “HUAHUA integration on stake.tax” (VOTING PERIOD)

🔒 The team has decided to choose vesting periods for their Team fund to mitigate any potential fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) and be transparent with the Chihuahua community and any new potential partners.

🔙 The first $HUAHUA buyback. 10% of all Chihuahua validators’ January rewards converted into a total of 592,270.843159 $HUAHUA (~$2,500), and sent to the Chihuahua Community Pool!

🐶 The Chihuahua website gets a makeover! Now it’s more joyful, cleaner, and explanatory. Let’s check it out →

🦴 The first iteration of Memecoin.wtf is live and gives a quick overview of the main memecoins in the market and highlights the advantages of the Chihuahua compared to Dogecoin and ShibaInu — woof!

New Chihuahua.wtf website


📈 Chihuahua’s Community is exponentially growing:
- From 8,000 to 16,000+ members on Twitter
- From 2,000 to 3,000+ members on Telegram
- Almost 1,000 members on Reddit
- 77% of new members week over week on Discord

→ Discover all the Chihuahua Community channels: community.chihuahua.wtf

🎙 Chihuahua Community DAO has participated in the interview with the youtuber Crypto Rich, and the AMA with the Injective team for the launch of HUAHUA on their exchange. They have also supported organizing several Community initiatives like giveaways and contests!

Interview with Crypto Rich

Listing & Partnerships

⚡️ $HUAHUA listed on five new exchanges, including DEXs and CEXs: JunoSwap, Injective Pro, MEXC, Picasso Exchange and HotBit.

🌱 Delighted to partner with BitCanna that will integrate $HUAHUA as a currency into their Payment Network, including their plugins for e-commerce platforms (such as WooCommerce and PrestaShop) and apps allowing the users of both projects to start buying goods and services.

🟣 Chihuahua is integrated into the non-custodial platform app.citadel.one! A new proposal to expand the $XCT reward program and, in case of positive feedback, $HUAHUA stakers will also be eligible for additional $XCT rewards.

👛 BitSong multichain wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem is live! Currently, the wallet supports operations like delegating and voting on the Chihuahua chain.

⭐️ You can now link your *starname (alias) to a Chihuahua wallet with Starname.me!

Chihuahua $HUAHUA Spot Market opens on Injective
BitCanna <> Chihuahua partnership


🖼 Sponsored CrazyHuahua NFT collection: the mint will begin on Stashh on February 22 at 5PM UTC! Your mint will get you a unique hand-drawn CrazyHuahua NFT + a crazy surprise inside!

🎨 Sponsored 101 Huahua’s collection: 101 HUAHUA’s collection will be available starting from 18/02/2022 on Stashh.

🆕 More Chihuahua NFT collections have been announced like MetaHuahua, and HuaMart, and the dedicated character of Chihuahua has been spot on the Play 2 Earn Elements of Cosmos NFT blockchain game and NoTs NFT collection.

CrazyHuahua NFT collection
101 Huahua’s NFT collection

Validators & Airdrops

🪂 Completed the airdrop to the ATOM delegators.

🌱 Started securing the BitCanna network guaranteeing the high-quality of our service, actively participating in the governance, and buying $HUAHUA back with 10% of the validator’s rewards.

🤝 Delegate your $AKT, $BCNA, $OSMO, $JUNO, and $DVPN with Chihuahua validator:

☁️ Akash

🌱 BitCanna


🧪 Osmosis

🔵 Sentinel

❤️ Special thanks to the Community, Advisors, Validators, and Teams (people and dogs) for the endless love and support we are receiving!

Website: chihuahua.wtf
Community Channels: community.chihuahua.wtf
Chihuahua Validators: delegate.chihuahua.wtf

