4 reBARKable months of Chihuahua

2 min readApr 14, 2022


🐶🎉 It’s THAT time of the month again! Let’s take a look at the progress and accomplishments of Chihuahua’s fourth month — woof woof!

Chihuahua chain

Final $HUAHUA buyback is completed
The last $HUAHUA #buyback of our 3 months experiment! 10% of all our validators’ March rewards have been sent to the Chihuahua Community Pool!

The first Chihuahua game is here and we can’t stop cheering about it. Click here to grab your ticket, learn everything you need to know to win, and start playing the Huahuapot!

PSST… We got the first winner!
A lucky winner won 923,000 HUAHUA won on April 22nd (here is the transaction)

Chihuahua x Passage: A DAO to build a Metaverse driven by the community

The community approved Passage’s proposal to work with Chihuahua Chain on building a Metaverse space together.

To celebrate the kick-off of this freaking amazing project, MetaHuahua & Passage have launched a DAO and ensure that the Metaverse will be informed and governed by the community.
Check more details here: https://twitter.com/ChihuahuaChain/status/1512455009132326915

Q2 2022 Inflation Update Proposal has been voted!

We have submitted a proposal for a change from the current flat 60% inflation rate to a dynamically and manually adjusted inflation much similar to the Bitcoin one.
The proposal has been approved by the community.
Read it here.

Validators & Airdrops

To celebrate our new partnership with Sentinel, we successfully completed a special Airdrop to the Sentinel delegators

Check all the Chihuahuas’ Validators here: https://delegate.chihuahua.wtf/


📈 Chihuahua’s Community keeps growing non-stop:

NFT Collection Drops

We have dropped two NFT collections:

CrazyHuahuasNFT launched the craziest Chihuahua NFTs on StashhApp
NotsNfts released their NFT collection on OmniFlixNetwork

→ Discover all the Chihuahua Community channels:


Chihuahua Chain in the Media

🥳 We’ve been published on Watcher.Guru
Read the recent press review here

Listing & partnerships

🔊 Woop Woop! Cosmos Ecosystem Love: StashhApp x $sHUAHUA

@StashhApp has integrated $sHUAHUA (Secret $HUAHUA) as a payment method. Now you can list any asset, and select $sHUAHUA token as payment.

@OmniFlixNetwork has integrated $HUAHUA as a payment method into their #NFT marketplace http://Omniflix.market

⚡️ Web3Tax x $HUAHUA: Integration completed!

Web3Tax ( ➡️ https://web3tax.info ) has just completed the $HUAHUA integration. 🔥HUAHUA owners can now generate import-ready CSV file of their blockchain transactions on Web3Tax!

$HUAHUA is now available as a Secret Token on @SecretNetwork which immediately supercharges them with private balances and private transfers!

❤️ Special thanks to the Community, Advisors, Validators, and Teams (people and dogs) for the endless love and support we are receiving!

Website: chihuahua.wtf
Community Channels: community.chihuahua.wtf
Chihuahua Validators: delegate.chihuahua.wtf

